Contact lenses
Fed up wearing spectacles? Just want a change? Have you ever thought of contact lenses?
We have over 20 years experience in fitting contact lenses. As we are independent, we can buy our contact lenses from any manufacturer world wide. With our experience and the range of technologies available now, we can successfully fit almost anyone requiring a prescription.
Contact lens care
From simple daily disposables, monthly disposable, to the most advanced contact lenses for advance corneal disease, we fit them all. There have been real advances in technologies and as an example we are now one of the largest prescribers of orthokeratology in Britain, which can leave you spectacles and contact lens free during the day!!
Most people can be relatively simply fitted with either daily or monthly disposable contact lenses by any of our Optometrists. If your prescription is more complicated, or you have corneal disease you might want to see Austin or Hannah who have considerable experience working with Professor Muhtaseb, a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon.
Click here to book a contact lens trial appointment.
Children & teenagers
Are contact lenses a good idea for children and teenagers?
We believe the answer to this is an overwhelming YES. Contact lenses can make a real difference to your child’s life. The benefits include all round vision, more freedom in physical activities and a boost to self-esteem. We would suggest contact lenses as a suitable alternative to glasses, even if only for part time wear.

If children and teenagers don’t like the way they look in glasses, it can affect their confidence, their personality and even their performance at school. Contact lenses can have a positive effect and improve how they feel about themselves.
There is no minimum age for contacts
Lots of teenagers, and many pre-teens wear contact lenses. The average age at which teenagers first get contacts is currently about 12-15, but it has been shown that children as young as 5 or 6 can be mature enough – with a little help from mum or dad – to wear and care for contact lenses.
Feel free to ring us and discuss this further on 01792 363353